Once completing your rsvp, please check out the info provided below.

Typical food to be expected;
Pizza, macaroni cheese, tomato pasta, sausage rolls, fruit platters, popcorn, chocolate prizes plus vegan alternatives tbc closer to the time

& Birthday cake made by me.

Jugs of blackcurrant and orange diluting juice.
Oat & almond milk available
Tea, coffee, milk (cow) & sugar (I got you mums!)
& some biscuits.

For me, It’s great to have an idea of what your your kids can/will be offered to eat, and I want to make sure everyone’s included, and not singled out if they require an alternative. I am a business mum, so I can’t help but organise my son’s birthday with my business brain! - haha.

Gazebo with party, trampoline, small playpark, treasure hunt, facepainting, dancing, pinata, craft stations, Sports day games
(nobody is forced to participate, should your little one prefer their alone space,
we have 2 x craft Craft stations
transfer tattoos.
a calm teepee
Face-painting from 1.15pm-2.15pm
UPDATED - Forgive me but with all the activities planned, and because it’s my dad’s garden end time is a suggestion, but I imagine with all the fun we may go a little over, just an fyi

To celebrate this wee climate conscious generation, we have chosen to give an alternative party bag, so kids will go home with their own little eco friendly party bag. (comes with instructions)

Yes, I am fully aware I have taken the crazy mum hat, but I can’t help it. I just love it!

Love, Mamma Diamond x